East was declarer in 3♠ after West had opened a fashionable 1♣ on his balanced 11 count. Ann led a heart to my ace and I returned a heart to declarer's king. Now came a trump to the queen, and a trump back to the king and ace. Ann exited with a low club and declarer was conned into playing low, so I could win and play back a heart to promote Ann's nine of trumps. One down, and the only plus score on the North-South cards. Not that it did us much good as we lost the other three boards in the match...
The auction had marked declarer with short hearts, and Ann had not doubled the fourth-suit 2♦, so I tried leading ♥8. A couple of weeks ago in the Knight Cup, I tried a heart lead after a similar auction and blew two tricks when declarer had 10 x. This time it was more successful.
Declarer played the queen from dummy, which was allowed to win. Now declarer came to hand with a diamond and took a slightly anti-percentage play in clubs by leading low to the 10 and Ann's queen. Ann returned a heart to my ace and I continued with the 10. Thinking that I must have started with ♥ A K 10 8, declarer made the mistake of covering so that Ann was able to make all her hearts and the contract was two down.
Would declarer have got this right if Ann had covered with the king at trick 1? He should do - we were playing fourth highest leads and I would not have led the 8 from ♥ A 10 9 8, so he should be able to sniff out the actual position.