Monday 2 July 2012

Torquay 2012

This year we chose to play in the teams rather than the pairs but the result was similar to last year - a promising position spoilt by a heavy defeat in the last round. Ann and I had some mixed results but Chris and Alastair brought back a succession of good cards so that we were second going into the last round against Michael Byrne and three junior internationals.

This was the crucial hand

Three Clubs was a little exuberant but the final contract was a good one. West doubled with an air of 'do these old codgers really know what they are doing?' and although he looked somewhat less confident when dummy went down the contract was doomed on the 5-1 heart break and we lost 800.

In the other room South passed over Two Spades and North ended in Four Hearts, which went one down undoubled for 12 imp in the out column. (It can go two down on the double dummy defence of a club to the ace and a heart switch.)

The correct line in Six Clubs is to ruff the diamond lead, cash ace of hearts and ruff a low heart, and then draw trumps. The contract makes when the trumps are 2-2 and hearts play for 5 tricks, or when trumps are 3-1 and hearts play for 4 tricks, a total of about 60%.

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