At Bournemouth Bridge Club we started with new packs, which normally require an enormous amount of shuffling to produce random deals. When my first 8 hands were all either 4-3-3-3 or 4-4-3-2 it looked as if we were in for a dull evening. Fortunately things improved after that, but then I picked up
♠KJ10x ♥Qxx ♦KJ10x ♣Ax
Another boring 1NT? Not exactly. I opened 1NT and partner bid 3 clubs, a natural slam try. Although I have a maximum, it's not a great hand for a club slam but I think that it is too good to rebid a discouraging 3NT, so I try 3 diamonds. Partner bids 3 hearts, doubled on my right and now I bid 3NT. Partner goes into the tank and and after a while bids 4 clubs. Our system is that when we take out 3NT into 4 of a minor, 4NT on the next round is a sign off, so that's what I bid. Now partner returns to the tank for an extended visit. After much agonising she eventually takes all the cards out of the box - 7NT and produces
♠A ♥A ♦AQxxx ♣KQJ9xxx
Well bid partner! Though for maximum style points Ann should have bid 7NT two rounds earlier. 3 diamonds must show diamond length with the A or K , and I would surely have rebid 3NT with an aceless hand.
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