In the Green Point Swiss Teams at Andover we finished a slightly disappointing 5th after losing our least match. When we played the eventual winners, the boards were wild and either side could have won by 50 imps with accurate play. I missed a chance to shine on this hand.
Doubling 5 clubs would have been an easier way to earn a living, but dummy's diamond suit was an undeserved bonus. I ruffed the club lead and drew trumps, relieved to find the 3-2 break. Now I played on diamonds, but had to lose two diamonds at the end to go one down.
I should have given some thought to a 5-0 diamond break, quite likely after East's strong bidding. It costs nothing to lead a heart at trick 5, covering West's card. East has to return a club and I ruff and play a diamond to the Jack. If this loses to the Queen I can claim but when East shows out I ruff a heart, play a diamond to the ace and ruff another heart. West and South are now down to three diamonds - I have K 10 8 and West has Q 9 7 - and I can exit with the 8 or 10 of diamonds to endplay West.
This line also works if East's distribution is 2-4-0-7 as West has to discard his 4th heart when East returns a club at trick 6.
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